Variable ArrayPrototypeSymbolUnscopablesConst

ArrayPrototypeSymbolUnscopables: {
    [unscopables]?: boolean;
    length?: boolean;
    [iterator]?: any;
    at?: any;
    concat?: any;
    copyWithin?: any;
    entries?: any;
    every?: any;
    fill?: any;
    filter?: any;
    find?: any;
    findIndex?: any;
    flat?: any;
    flatMap?: any;
    forEach?: any;
    includes?: any;
    indexOf?: any;
    join?: any;
    keys?: any;
    lastIndexOf?: any;
    map?: any;
    pop?: any;
    push?: any;
    reduce?: any;
    reduceRight?: any;
    reverse?: any;
    shift?: any;
    slice?: any;
    some?: any;
    sort?: any;
    splice?: any;
    toLocaleString?: any;
    toString?: any;
    unshift?: any;
    values?: any;
} = ...

Type declaration

  • Optional Readonly [unscopables]?: boolean

    Is an object whose properties have the value 'true' when they will be absent when used in a 'with' statement.

  • Optional length?: boolean

    Gets or sets the length of the array. This is a number one higher than the highest index in the array.

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